Thursday, October 14, 2010

Europe (France and Germany) is very low gluten Sex Online - See Why

France and Germany are expected in the great values of gluten-free search online application, but do not. search volume for November 2009 GF volumes were found by search and the results in the tables below:

France / French TOP TEN (English and French, studied both)

France - English speaking

Other ...................... 9. November volumes
Gluten ...................... 5400
Glutenfree ................ 1900
Celiac ......................... 590
Celiac ............. 320
Gluten recipes ............ 260
gluten-free diet ........... 210
gluten-free recipes ...... 210
Wheat gluten ............. 210
Gluten diet ................. 210
Wheat free .................. 210

France - French

Other ............................ 8. November volumes
Gluten intolerance .......... 2900
Gluten intolerance .......... 2900
GlutenFree .................... 2400
Gluten .................... 2400
Gluten allergies ............... 390
Corn gluten ................... 390
Celiac ................. 390
Wheat gluten ................. 320
Wheat Free ..................... 260
gluten-free bread ............ 140

In the analysis for the major markets of the application on-line gluten-free, such as Australia, USA, Canada and Great Britain compared to the volumes are incredibly small European country. Even for Australia with aSlightly more than 20 million people, the term "GF" auto 165 000 looking for! So instead of a Top-50 Analysis Top 10 terms for Germany and France will be considered.

It should be noted that the Europeans are considerably affected by celiac disease population of the earth. Diagnosis rates are also believed to be at par with other countries, as expected by all developed countries. So the very low search volume per month for Google is a great anomaly.

GF Foodregularly sold in Eastern Europe and, of course, GF food is available online, so that the very low due on all fronts. As with any other country, ranks the generic "gluten-free" conditions (in English) studies the highest, followed by celiac disease associated terms. Most of the conditions of order and which are the standard GF seven groups in other countries.

The French investigation (on the French Google site) show a slightly different. L 'Focus seems to be more about celiac disease, which in general terms GF. This usually means that a market is very immature, or who currently eat wheat standard diet (eg Japanese).

German Top Ten (in both English and German-looking)

German - English spoken

Other ......................... 9. VOL November
gluten-free ................. 2900
Gluten ................. 2900
Celiac ......................... 880
Celiac .............. 480
GlutenRecipes ............ 320
Wheat free ................. 320
Sprue ......................... 320
Wheat gluten .............. 320
GF Recipes ................. 260
Gluten bread .............. 210

GERMAN - (German language search)

Other ......................... 8. VOL November
gluten-free ................. 2900
Gluten ................. 2900
Gliadin ........................ 1900
Celiac .............. 1000
Wheat gluten ............... 260
Wheatfree .................. 260
GF diet ....................... 140
GF bread .................... 110
Food gluten ................. 110
GF Recipes .................. 91

German - English for the search volume is comparable to the French - English Order. GF generic concepts are the first two rows followed volume terms associated with celiac disease. But unlike the French - a list of keywords in French, see the German, the German volumes a model similar totheir books in English - ie GF followed by terms associated with celiac disease.

Why are the European online research GF so low?

actual sales data from sales of GF products in European countries is poor. Without data, all we can do is to mirror the values likely. This article presents a unique perspective on the comparison of different European countries and languages, looking at these countries. It 's interesting that the research data is very low and similar in the two main languages(Established and English).

The penetration of the Internet (web usage) is about 58% in France and 63% in Germany and Google has more than 80% market share in both countries - so the results correspond to the models is the lion's share " of use. It is also believed that the gluten-free products are often sold in pharmacies and specialized stores, and gluten-free is the disease most associated image or health food accepted as an alternative or just another offer. E 'likely that people in theseThe countries are very well trained and consume only the food they need without GF seeking information on the web. This is a cultural difference between European countries and America, Australia, Canada and Britain.

The cultural difference between European countries and how to get their information about their food is the main reason seems that the search volume is so low, not to be the interest in general or diagnostics are particularly low.


Online GF investigated in European cities(French and German) are very low. As Europeans believed, are particularly susceptible to celiac disease (celiac disease carrying genes), it is believed that low levels of diagnosis and the tendency to not cook at home or avoid gluten-free dishes when eating out such a low demand on -line has created.

The reason that GF can be searched so low that celiac disease may have gone in those countries or untreated celiac disease, which 'make do' with the preparation of meals at homegluten-based products.

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