Friday, August 27, 2010

The boar or Sanglier in France: facts Boar

The boar (sanglier) is widespread in France. The female is much smaller than an adult male and is seen more frequently in spring, with a brood of Wee Ones. If I do not see, the boar, you will be torn signs of them on their walks through the forest, the largest Areas of earth by rooting for food sangliers seen. You rub the bark of small trees that lead away.

The boar has a solid profile. Viewed more closely, it is one with short hairAnimals with a large head, short legs and a strong but rather long queue. Painting can be gray-brown, black, brown or reddish brown. The male develops only teeth: canine teeth, which extend upward from the jaw.

Some years ago, in the region of Berry in central France, three men walking in the forest ran a large boar. Instead, to run, as they usually do, wild boar attacked a human. All three were around, hiding behind trees, but theBoars concentrated its attack against the individual until the end of (guided or simply bored). It appeared that the man who was attacked only one of three who was a hunter.

Wild boars live in deciduous forests, nesting in a burrow dug from the ground or bushes, often exposed to the sun. They forage in the forest and adjacent fields. Boar are nocturnal (night) or early morning and sometimes during the day. Groups living in a wild areaApproximately 200-1000 ha, and in men, the area up to 2000 hectares your movements may vary according to season and specific years. When they invaded, as hunters, will travel 20-30 miles.

In the department of Var, sangliers have become so numerous, it stated, "parasites". In 1992 there were 3000, seven years after the count was 30,000, in spite of 16-17 killed 000 in the hunting season, which was held from August 17 to 18 January '97 '98. They areOmnivorous, but mainly vegetarian, especially acorns, beechnuts, chestnuts, potatoes, corn and other cereals. Their non-vegetarian diet may be dead animals, insect larvae, earthworms, small rodents, lizards and birds that nest on the ground.

Wild Boars mate from September to March, with the young born from February to June, particularly in March. They sometimes have a second pair in July, with births from June to August. Gestation is normally 115 days (3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days)Birth, 4-7, maybe 3-10. They reach sexual maturity in one year, but young people are often excluded from reproduction by the dominant male.

Wild boars live 80-10 years in the wilderness, with both adult mortality, caused mainly by hunters. You can get up to 20-25 years in captivity.

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